If we have reason to believe that any Content violates this Agreement or may cause harm to YouTube, our users, or third parties, we may remove some or all of that Content. We will notify you of the reason for our action, unless we have reason to believe that (a) doing so would violate the law or law enforcement instructions or risk legal liability to YouTube or our affiliates; (b) would interfere with any investigation or the integrity or operation of the Service; or (c) would cause harm to a user, other third party, YouTube or our affiliates. For more information about reporting and enforcement, see the Troubleshooting page in our Help Center, including the redress process. YouTube may suspend or terminate your access, Google Account, or Google Account`s access to all or part of the Service if: (a) you materially or repeatedly violate this Agreement; (b) we are required to comply with a legal requirement or court order; or (c) we have reason to believe that there is conduct that creates liability or harm to users, other third parties, YouTube or our affiliates. Google LLC and its subsidiary YouTube, LLC will pay a record $170 million to resolve allegations by the Federal Trade Commission and New York Attorney General that video-sharing service YouTube illegally collected personal information from children without parental consent. If you are under the age of 18, you will need your parent or guardian`s permission to use the Service. Please let them read this agreement with you. If you receive a copyright strike, it means that a copyright owner has filed a complete and valid legal request for removal for the use of their copyrighted content. If we receive this type of formal notification, we will remove your video to comply with copyright. I can download YouTube videos without this kind of crappy software, they play catching up. If you are the parent or guardian of a user under the age of 18, you are subject to the terms of this Agreement and are responsible for your child`s activities on the Service by allowing your child to use the Service. You can find tools and resources to help you manage your family`s YouTube experience in our Help Center and via Google`s Family Link. If you reside in the United Kingdom and your relationship with YouTube under this Agreement is governed by the laws of your country of residence, and legal proceedings may be brought in your local courts.